Todays Daily Bible Verse

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Thursday, February 4, 2010

As For Me And My House

I want to offer the benefit of a conversation that I had with a couple of people. In those conversations there was a context that you'll have to rely on me to deliver properly, but I will do my best to do so.

The essential premises are two viewpoints that aren't diametrically opposed, but their resulting conclusions definitely are.

The first is, you should do works as this is evidence of the spirit and seeking after knowledge of God, while important can't be your primary focus, as it only leads to gnosticism or high browed intellectualism and that's not what we're called to;

The second is, knowing God is our first and primary vocation in this life and that in so doing you can actually produce works of the spirit.

One might beg the question as I did, what is a good fruit and what is a bad fruit, how are they produced, how do you know that it is, or is not fruit.

When most people think of fruits they think of helping someone across the street, feeding the poor, clothing the naked, visiting those in prison. Maybe because they've never really pondered or prayed about my questions directly above.

First, may I remind you of what is the first and greatest fruit...that you be turned in to Jesus Christ. For those he did foreknow to be CONFORMED TO THE IMAGE OF HIS SON! So if we're talking about fruits it would be easy to think that works are fruit, and I'm not saying that they, by themselves are not, I'm simply saying that the fruit of the spirit is born in you, and not of yourself. Works are something YOU DO, fruit is something the SPIRIT does. Works are a result of obedience, as a result of the fruit in you, of being conformed to the image of Jesus Christ. Works that aren't rooted in the fruit of being conformed into Jesus Christ are simply good deeds; nothing more than common grace. Something to feel good about, but not a marker of eternal security.

So what is good fruit? You being turned into Jesus Christ.
How is it produced? God alone.
How do you know if it is fruit? Genuine fruit must conform us to the image of Christ and that can be witnessed over time, but in a word; agony. Do you agonize over your relationship with Christ?When I didn't, I've come to understand that I didn't have fruit.

Finally returning to the original premise; works to show fruit, or fruit that produces works.

My answer is this; our PRIMARY duty is to;

Know God and if we know God; then
We can Love Him, if we love him; then
We can Serve Him, if we serve him; then
We can Serve Others; therefore fruit, produces fruit. Works are simply that, works and they burn up if they are not produced from the vine of Jesus Christ who has started a work in you and will be faithful to complete it if you be in the faith. To do so in any other order will not be effective and would deny God as the author and creator of the good "work" in you.

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