Todays Daily Bible Verse

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Friday, January 29, 2010

Walk By Faith And Not By Sight

This video encompasses everything I was going to try to say, so I felt no need to repeat. Please ejoy this video. It's only 10 minutes and it will be the most enriching 10 minutes of your day; of that I'm sure.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Do You Constantly Check Your Thoughts?

Sometimes I get some seriously bad thoughts, and my facial contortions might give someone the impression that I don't like what they are saying, but in reality I'm reacting vicerally to this vile thought that has just entered into my head and has nothing whatsoever to do with the subject, or even close.

Certain words trigger the thoughts, sometimes there's no trigger that I know of. I just have evil thoughts. I call it evil, because they aren't edifying to anyone but me...and not in a good way.

I get so frustrated because I have no control over it. Those thoughts don't happen when I'm doing something like playing guitar, or going to the bathroom, nope these thoughts only happen when I'm at church, or men's group, or praying, or during intimacy.

I wish I could be free of those thoughts.

I wish I could be free of the guilt they cause.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Faith VS Belief

I saw a recent blog post by an Armenian theologist how posited the differences between belief and faith. I admired the thought process, because it showed, consistent with their theological standpoints, that faith is necessary and that belief is something not to be ascertained. Let me explain...

They posited belief is something akin to being confronted with truth similar to 1+1=2. In in so doing a belief in such a thing requires no faith. Quite right, these are simply facts and it is not an act of your will to "believe" them.

Faith being the opposite, would be believing in something inspite of not seeing the facts. One quick caveat here, when you enter academic discussion, there is no room for interpretation. You must accept the meaning and intent offered by the author, and it needs to be instantly revelatory, meaning, I can't read a meaning into it. SO, logically, if belief is being confronted with facts, then faith is being confronted without facts, or said another way, without evidence. The author of this original post that I'm commenting on, probably did not mean it this way, but unfortunately this is how perverted our thought can be when we assume that it is us who is at the center of our belief in God. Notice my choice of words.

Logically, as I feel the spirit can be explained, ask yourself, can you be confronted with a indisputable truth and deny it? Yes. But you knowingly lie.

True is true and once you learn it, you can't unlearn it. You can forget, you can stray, you can choose not to follow, but you can't unknow or unlearn what is inherently true. SO, literally, when you're confronted with the truth of God, which, Jesus claims to be, you must either be blinded to it, or recognize it.

This certainly explains why so many people can hear the gospel, but it doesn't change them, their lives aren't impacted permanently.

The defect in the assumption that belief in God is not faith, is flawed because it assumes that with Gods permission and authority you can encounter his truth, leading to belief, but only be relegated to faith; belief without facts or evidence. This is NOT what we're called to.

Faith is BELIEF in things unseen. But you absolutely KNOW they are there. We've been lied to...we've been taught that our eyes tell the truth, or our ears tell the truth, or our hands tell the truth!


Ever seen a mirage? Ever seen someone act godly, only to later defect from the faith? Ever heard someone compliment you to your face, only to find treachery later of them talking behind your back? These are your eyes showing you a truth, that they lie. Your eyes can only give you relative truth and not absolute truth. Because you can't know, what you don't see. By this measure, anything beyond your senses, cannot be true, or untrue, it's beyond reason. This fellows, INCLUDES GOD. That's remarkable! Yet we know, do we not, that God exists?

I tell you that it's not because of the Bible, it's because the Father in Heaven has MADE IT KNOWN TO YOU.

Faith, is belief in things unseen, yet hoped for.

Said another way, I know that God is real, in spite that my relative capability to understand...instead of;

I hope God is real in spite of my relative capability to understand!

I could devote 10 pages to this, but you wouldn't read it, and neither would I. I'm just trying to boil it down to practical.

Peace and love, read your Bibles, get into the old testament...remember the New Testament ain't new!

Can You Believe In God And Not Be Saved?

Please please please, if the title caught your attention be assured that I'm not attempting to call your personal walk into question. This isn't aimed at a particular person, rather this is meant to show how we need to search ourselves daily to see if the truth be in us.

What does it mean when Christ says that in the last days many will come to him saying Lord Lord, did we not prophecy in your name, heal the sick, preach to the poor? He responds with, "depart from me you evildoer, I never knew you."

Interesting observation and this could just be semantics...let's take another example of something where someone may or may not have knowledge of another person.

When Peter denies Christ, he says that he doesn't know the man. Now this is common language, if someone purports to know us, or place an association on us, we would likely say, I don't know that guy...but why would Christ say I never knew you?

Lets remember that Christ is talking about the biblical "knowing" as friends know each other, or as a married couple knows each other. Intimate relationship. Since Christ really does know everyone, how then can he say that he never knew them? Furthermore, wouldn't it be more appropriate for him to say, you never knew me, since he does know everyone, and at that, have a more exacting response to someone who clearly is lying?

I think there is a reason. They DID know him. They knew his name, they knew the buzz words, they practiced religiosity and tradition, probably better than you or I. But these people seek the goodness of God and his family but they do not seek God. This is why Christ says this. They did know him, they knew his name, and at that even the demons know God's name. But they are not saved, neither can they be.

Knowing God is far more than reading the Bible, attending church, praying, abstaining from wrongdoing. To know God, is to love him, to love him is to submit to him, to submit to him is to follow and all of this begins with the Holy Spirit. If you follow this chain in reverse, you'll find God and he will know you.

Pray that the spirit give you repentance that you might be able to turn to God and follow him.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

How Would You Feel

One of the things I want to ask, may appear a bit as a guilt trip. I don't mean it like that, I'm just not sure how to ask it without that appearance. The question is one that reveals much and whose answer can cast a long shadow on the person. Since it's a process related question it will be fragmented and various parts of the question may or may not apply to you. In consideration of the answer, I want you to feel that I'm encouraging you only to do, what God desires you to do; which is know HIM.

How would you feel if Christ returned and you have never attempted to read the whole Bible?

How would you feel if you had all these years so far to learn about him and never took that as a challenge?

How do you think your husband would feel if he returned after a long trip and there was a stack of unread letters that he'd sent you?

I'm convicted and have been encouraged that a reading of the entire Bible, no matter how arduous, is necessary. Because fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. Knowledge to be specific, of him.

It's obvious that we're trapped in this world and we surround ourselves with things that take our eyes off of our heavenly father. In my case it's music...I tend to get wrapped up in the creation or performance of music, or wasting countless hours on the internet. Go read my loyalty post...yikes! But I've been challenged, and praise God he's given me the faith to undertake a reading of the entire Bible. And for the first time in my spiritual life, it's easier to list the books I haven't read yet, than the ones I have.

My knowledge of God has increased dramatically and this has done one of many things...helped me to KNOW GOD. If I know God then I can easily see how he's in my everyday life, rather than have to convince myself that he is. If you have to convince yourself that God is in your life because you don't see the evidence of him, that is likely because you don't know him fully. He wants you to know him fully.

I want to encourage you that the most important thing you can do with your life is SERVE GOD...and at that, it should be your first priority and the capstone from which all things flow.


Romans 3:18

(18) " There is no fear of God before their eyes."
Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.

Why are people lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God (II Timothy 3:4)? Why are people so indifferent to the state of their spiritual well-being? Why has the Bible been relegated to little more than a coffee table display? Why are people so defiant toward heaven and so little concerned about sin? Romans 3:18, following a long list of sins prominent among men, says in summation, "There is no fear of God before their eyes."

Do today's churches of this world teach the fear of God, or has their teaching turned Him into a divine, snugly teddy bear, a benign but doddering grandfather, or maybe an absentee landlord busy doing other things? God's Word says, "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge" (Proverbs 1:7), adding later, "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding" (Proverbs 9:10). These two verses, even without any other confirmation, reveal that the fear of God is very important, yet so frequently the ministry of this world tries to blunt the force of the word "fear." Nevertheless, it means in Hebrew exactly what it means in English, encompassing everything from a faint but grudging respect to outright terror.

However, neither outright terror nor faint respect produce a good relationship. Neither will win another's heart. God wants more from us, more than a mere healthy respect. He wants us to have a deep, abiding, and reverential awe for Him. Being all-powerful, holy, just, good, kind, careful, encouraging, inspiring, merciful, patient, loving, forgiving, and wise, He is far more than One we should simply respect.

Americans, especially, have been taught to be familiar and casual in our attitudes toward others, and this carries over into our attitude toward and relationship with God. It is a form of the "I'm just as good as you, and you will just have to accept me just as I am" approach. A disrespectful and sometimes even defiant attitude is born. But what is the Bible's counsel? Paul tells us that even among ourselves, "Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself" (Philippians 2:3). What about familiarity with God? Peter tells us to honor all people, love the brotherhood, and honor the king—but we are to fear God (I Peter 2:17). Do we hear much teaching that will incline us to revere God's majesty?

Do we unconsciously think that the fear of God is something only the unconverted need? Since Proverbs 9:10 says, "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom," and since wisdom in its simplest form is skill or right application, who needs wisdom more than God's children? Reverential awe is wisdom's foundation, because it moves us to obedience, and God gives His Spirit to those who obey Him. Paul writes in Philippians 2:12, "Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out you ownsalvation with fear and trembling."

We need this quality more than anybody does because our eternal life is on the line. It used to be that someone known to believe in God was referred to as "God-fearing." This was obvious to others because they knew the person obeyed God and were very concerned about what God said. It marked their relationship with God and set them apart from others. Fearing not only makes a great witness before others, it also pays great dividends, as Psalm 103:13shows. "As a father pities His children, so the LORD pities those who fear Him." We all want God to be compassionate toward us.

In I Peter 2:21, the apostle instructs us to follow Christ's steps, suggesting that He is the model after whom we must pattern our lives. Did He fear God? "[Jesus], in the days of His flesh, when He had offered up prayers and supplications, with vehement cries and tears to Him who was able to save Him from death, and was heard because of His godly fear" (Hebrews 5:7). Notice especially the link connecting His being saved from death and being heard because He feared. Christ acknowledged God's sovereignty through a deeply held reverential awe, showing that answered prayer, eternal life, and the fear of God are intertwined.

This is true because the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. Wisdom is right application, and right application is obedience. Jesus Christ obeyed God perfectly. His fear was not an occasional burst of deep respect—as ours so often is—but sustained and built throughout His entire life. It had to be this way because His trials intensified as He aged, and His need of godly fear became ever more urgent.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Is God Selective In His People?

We know for a fact that he's put the Israelites in a stupor and blinded most of them.

We know that when you hear the word of God you will turn to him and be saved. This is the reason that he blinded his people till the time of the Gentile be fulfilled, so that "Having ears they did not hear, and having eyes they did not see, lest they turn to me and I heal them".

Is God selective? Well, he only chose the house of Jacob to be his people. While faith was extended certain others during time and as recorded by the Bible (Rahab, Ethiopian Eunic, etc) it seems to stand that God is selective. But is that because he's unloving?

If you start from the premise that all men are born sinners and what is RIGHT for them is to die separate from God, then it is simply a merciful action on God's part for anyone to be saved, right?

Now does he have to be merciful to everyone? Where in the Bible does it say that he HAS been merciful to everyone? In fact in Romans 9 Paul recites OT scripture laying out the case that God will be merciful to whom he desires to be merciful to and have compassion on whom he will have compassion, SO THEN it does NOT depend on the man who wills or the man who runs, BUT GOD...

So, does your belief system hold that God must be merciful to all, or that in some act he already has been, but they just need to recognize it? If he has been merciful to all, then why when hearing of the word of God, which is TRUE and does NOT return void, most do not believe?

You might say they hardness of mans heart. And who designed that? You might say Satan, but the Bible says that God hardens mans hearts...(in exclamation) What does that mean?!

Think about it, pray about it. Seek God, repent. He can heal you.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Do You Cheat On God? God desires loyalty more than sacrifice Hosea 6:6

You know that God views our relationship like our marriage relationships. In fact he created it that way. Peter talks about Husbands (Christ/God) loving us and Wives (Us/the Church) submitting to him.

In old testament books the prophets depict horrendous examples of disloyalty. It's always in a form of adultery. Some even say that God's wife is so adulterous and perverse that she has many lovers and while whores usually get paid for that kind of work, she pays them!

I wonder if we took THAT to heart, how it might change us? What if we recognized that when we got the urge to read our Bible but instead we submitted to the television, that God sees that as you cheating on him?

Do you cheat on God?

We all know cheating on our spouse is inherently wrong, bad, evil and unacceptable. But why don't we feel the same way about God? Why is cheating on God acceptable to us?

Because we don't realize that it's cheating and it's that serious? I agree. But now you do...

If you continue to cheat on God, unabated, and feel no remorse for it, or cover it with "grace" can you be sure you know God? Or more importantly, that you're his wife? God does forgive and he will take you back, that's what is wonderful about him...but don't you have a responsibility to submit?

Friday, January 15, 2010

Predestination or Free Will; Do you know the difference?

*Disclaimer; I'm going to ask questions and as the spirit moves possibly supply my own learned answers. But mostly I'm going to ask questions that I think you should ask yourself. They will be common to those who have ever opened a discussion about predestination versus free-will...but consider these things on your own, see if you be in the spirit. If not, repent, turn toward your God, he will redeem you.

I'm a determinist, I'm a predestinarian. I believe that God of his own authority, will and perfect knowledge, futhermore by his GRACE ALONE, decided to call me to be a chosen people, a holy nation and a priesthood. He did that. I didn't. In fact, I could have no part in it. My part is to be a slave to the one TRUE GOD. But there are those who claim free will. That is certainly their right and by no means am I saying that just because right now you think that YOU chose GOD instead of the other way around, that means you're not saved. You need to work that out, I'm only sharing what I've come to, by way of common objections.

Here we go;

I don't think God lines people up and sends some to heaven and some to hell.

Quite right. What does he do? Can you answer that? How are people saved and how are they condemned. Weren't we all born sinners? What choice did you have in that? How then can God condemn you from birth, and for some reason, maybe because you didn't hear the gospel, or you were damaged as a child, then he condemns you to could he possibly be just in doing that? Because the BIBLE says he IS JUST, just that he takes no pleasure in it...

So what? We're all just puppets and this is one giant charade?

Have you ever considered the root of why that question is possible in your mind? Do you not know that we're talking about the almighty, not your brother daryl? Puppets is an interesting term, seems to connote a sense of not being in control, perhaps not being able to determine for oneself what is right, or wrong. Could you do that before God? What pleasure do you take in being able to make a choice independent of God's explicit will for your life? Would you rather that it depends on you? What is your fear that God would choose you to know him? Or is your fear that he didn't? How would you know the difference? The Bible says you can know, did you know that?

God looks down the corridors of time to see what you're going to do, and he affirms it

Ah, so God created you, with a FOREKNOWLEDGE that you WOULD choose him...what then of the people he FOREKNEW would not? Is God GUILTY of their damnation? Didn't he create them knowing they wouldn't choose him? How can they bare fault? They weren't born with an ability to choose between sin and not, they were BORN sinners, according to Paul. If then, why didn't he create them all with a desire to choose him? Why should any be sent to hell? Why does separation from God even exist?

God gives me the power to choose him

Can you point to a single verse in the bible that EXPLICITLY says that? Then consider these stories and ask yourself did THEY have the power to choose differently?
  • Abraham
  • Moses
  • Joesph
  • Pharoah (of the exodus)
  • Judas
  • Jesus Christ
  • Paul (Saul)
  • Jonah
If after exhausting those stories and considering the implications and the circumstances...I wonder if you could retain your belief that they had the ability to choose differently that what God desired for them.

I don't see how God can be all loving and send people to hell if they don't want to go there

Do you know the qualities of God, do you know who he is really? How would his qualities become expressed in our world do you think? Say God was a Judge for example, how would he express that quality?

and the big daddy;
For God so loved the WORLD, that he gave his only begotten son....

Have you ever considered why this sentence starts with a "For"? How is love expressed? Is love always expressed with rainbows and butterflies? If God were going to show his people, which we know he claims the church to be, who he is, and how he operates, in what ways would he do that? Have you read the OT to figure out the exact way that he did that?

Friend, don't make an argument against something you don't want to believe. Make an argument FOR what you believe. If it can even stand the test of logic, then you may have something...

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Purpose of Blog

To any readers...if there are any. I want to be sure you understand the intent of this blog. I'm only sharing my personal revelations. I'm not trying to convince or teach you. We may come along side one another to reason together, but the last thing I want to be contributing to the giant interwebs, is another blowhard. So, just like my music, this is for me...if you like it, or don't like it, want to talk about it, I'll consider myself lucky. In every post I am sketching down what I believe so I can live it. I think that becomes everyone's truly act on what you believe.


Worship Jesus or Worship His Life?

Something I've be considering for a few weeks now is what I consider one of those holy "looking" things, but the act itself, to me anyway, appears to be a facade.

We've all seen the WWJD, it's now pop culture and similar things. We hear quoted, don't judge! Doesn't the Bible say that?

What is thinly veiled, is a worship of Christ's life as an example, but not Christ. I'm not against Christs example, he led the perfect example, so you might say, what is wrong with understanding and even living by his example. I say NOTHING! To a point though, we rarely do that. We carry the pop culture symbols, we repeat platitudes and we believe that we're doing what Jesus would. I don't think we are.

I think we're elevating what we see as a good example, but because we're looking at the output [of Jesus' Life] of the inner spirit, we're not taking in the fullness of God. God asks us to worship only him. And through a knowledge of him, the regeneration of the spirit and intercession of Christ we will become like him. It's not if, but when. Unfortunately what I think I see all too often is a repetition of common biblical knowledge, leading to a life that only models Christ in form but not output and thus we have a form of worship, but not worship itself.

As an example, how many of us would dare walk into Yourside Family Church and turn over the coffee machine, and kick out the t-shirt vendors? Christ did...

How many of us would go to a well known, famous lawgiver, call him a snake, and a hypocrite, in public! Christ did...

How many of us would call our brother SATAN, for merely suggesting something opposed to God? Christ did!

See, you can't just accept the loving, rainbows and butterflies part of Jesus. He's also a LION! The Lion of Judah, and IF we're going to ask What Would Jesus Do, I think we also need to ask if we're prepared to do it...because to ask the question and not be ready to gird up and take action with the answer is to have not even asked the question at all.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

How Does Pride Prevent You From Knowing God?

The real question about pride comes down, can any authority on earth be trusted? Why?

At some point, the church must accept spiritual authority. The delivery of God's authority has many places it is revealed; over time this shapes our Christian ONLY world view. It's revealed in rightly dividing the scripture, a knowledge of God, righteous rebuke by a brother, and most importantly by God himself. And we must be open, willing to test the spirit of those around us and see if they be of God. And if they are, to accept what they say. Often though, we have a barrier so thick that only God himself could rebuke us, and friend, that is a man-made wall and serves no heavenly purpose. Admittedly this post is aimed at how pride shows up in every day Christian conversation, so thus my points tend to focus on that element of pride.

*(Important Author Note)
Pride at it's very core removes Christ from the throne and if that were not enough, elevates self to his seat. Pride at it's core creates a man to be God himself.

Now if we knew that every time we reacted pridefully to something we're actually screaming at the top of our spiritual lungs "NO! I WANT TO BE GOD!" Then friend, we likely we think of different ways to blaspheme and to sin...but the majority do not realize this.

I am, was and will still, be guilty of this. I do not tell you these things out of triumph over my sin, but out of recognition of my depravity.

{section edited and is under review}

Remember the movie with Rowdy Rod Piper? Where he puts on these glasses and he can see the aliens? Pride is a lot like that. To the outside, we have the appearance of holiness...but we deny its power, because in us, is PRIDE, and in that is the genuine desire to be LORD over your own life. This prevents you from knowing God....God does not save you because you are equal, lesser or greater than he. He saves you because of his will and for his purposes. You cannot save yourself. Can you even rebuke yourself? That is why you must DAILY search yourself and see if the truth be in you...

Again, we have nothing to be proud of. We have no understanding, we have no knowledge, we own nothing. Christ's Church are GOD's Possession, a Chosen People, a Royal Priesthood, a Holy Nation, CHOSEN, so that YOU might proclaim the excellencies of HIM who has called you out of darkness into HIS marvelous light. Friend...the authority of God and our position relative to his should help us understand what we have to be proud of.

Final note, when considering how pride infects your life, don't think big. Think small. Think about how you complain because the music at church isn't to your liking, rather than being at church to PRAISE the ALMIGHTY, or when you look down your nose at someone because they seem to have a little less than you, rather than reaching out and ministering to the POOR, or when you accept the social culture of our society as normal and acceptable to be around, rather than being ON FIRE for GOD and set apart, or when you don't open your mouth and share the Gospel, even though you feel the spirit tell you to do it.

Next post:

Worship Christ or Worship his life?

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Does Pride Have A Place In A Christian's Life

I'm going to begin speaking only in spiritual terms. Those who will press for understanding will press their own scripture and the holy spirit for understanding. Since it is not I that give understanding, but the one true God, the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ and the words of God. Bear in mind that this is a turning away from a non-Christian world view and a whole hearted adoption of a Christian only world view. All things should be interpreted in light of scripture. That statement alone will probably get a "duh" by the reader; reader, is that the way you LIVE though?

Does pride have a place in a christian' life?

Well, let's start with defining terms. Pride in the english language has many meanings. Lets consult the webster. Now I'm only considering the most commonly used terms and not say for example the definition of a group of lions...


[prahyd] Show IPA noun, verb, prid⋅ed, prid⋅ing.
1.a high or inordinate opinion of one's own dignity, importance, merit, or superiority, whether as cherished in the mind or as displayed in bearing, conduct, etc.
2.the state or feeling of being proud.
3.a becoming or dignified sense of what is due to oneself or one's position or character; self-respect; self-esteem.
4.pleasure or satisfaction taken in something done by or belonging to oneself or believed to reflect credit upon oneself: civic pride.
5.something that causes a person or persons to be proud: His art collection was the pride of the family.
6.the best of a group, class, society, etc.: This bull is the pride of the herd.
7.the most flourishing state or period: in the pride of adulthood.
8.mettle in a horse.
9.Literary. splendor, magnificence, or pomp.
10.a group of lions.
11.sexual desire, esp. in a female animal.
12.ornament or adornment.

Consider for a moment what the usefulness of pride is in a persons life. Does it have any life saving qualities? Can it enrich others lives? Does it honor God?

Why do we need to consider these things? Aren't we here to live our lives and enjoy ourselves?

I was once taught that we serve a dual role in our lives. We're to enjoy our life and to serve God. Generally, I have no problem with that, but is often the case in liberal theology and in the work of Satan himself, these tenants of truth often become the moving part upon which inaccurate world views, theological positions and actions are predicated. Get ready, there won't be a full frontal assault. Satan can take you one piece at a time, he doesn't need the whole thing right now and since you're so willing to let him have some, he'll come back for seconds [helpings].

Back to the question, is it useful? In response to each of those questions we have but few examples of Christian pride. Paul tells us to boast in nothing, but in spirit only. Boasting is an eventuality of pride, but it is not pride itself. God resists the proud...does his resist the pride or the spirit of the proud?

Pride as a word is simply an expression of a condition. A condition which explains the mindset of an experience. I am proud of my accomplishment! But what do we have to be proud of? It's in this very question we will discovery the answer to the thesis question.

Colossians 1:17; He is in all things and all things in him are held together.
Ephesians 1:4 He has chosen us before the foundation of the world that we would be holy and blameless before him
Philippians 1:6 ...for he who started a good work in you....will be faithful to complete it.

Understand, if you're sculpting away, as I do with music, and you stand back and admire your finished, or in my case always NEAR finished product and exclaim wow! There's nothing wrong with that. But consider that your response should identify who the author of that wow really is?

In my case I'm a singer, I'm a guitarist, I'm a lyricist, I'm a music producer...ALL of these things are gifts from God. He is in them, and they are all held together by him! He has CHOSEN, me out of this world. So what do I have to be proud of? I'm simply acting out of my implicit creation. God has made me with these gifts and being a child of the light I honor him. I give credit all back to him, for the pot is a reflection of the creator intent and perfect ability to create. You may also wonder do we deserve the credit for our wrong doing as a balance to this discussion and I'll cover that in the future. Understand, earthly pride has no place in the Christian life or worldview. Your pride as it were, is being proud of something that isn't yours. It would be like me watching a man build a house then coming up to him to take credit for such a thing. We would think that ridiculous and out of our minds! Yet this friend is exactly what we're doing when we take credit for our lives and accomplishments...

We'll talk more about this because this plantar wart is not easily removed...

In My Next Post:
How Does Pride Prevent You From Knowing God?

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