Todays Daily Bible Verse

Daily Bible Verse provided by

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Father I Will, By Your Grace & Mercy

I will be obedient despite my lack of understanding

I will listen despite my lack of hearing

I will believe without seeing

I will worship even though I want worship

I will defer though I prefer

I will lay my head low, though I would to raise it high

I will declare that you alone are God, there is none other

I'll not shrink back

I'll give mercy, help the infirmed, feed the poor, strengthen the weak

Though you slay me, I will serve.

Marked, Bought, Broken, Disciplined, Slave, of the one true God, who's Son Jesus Christ rescued from the wages of sin, and whose Holy Spirit receives all that is asked of the Father, that I might know and serve the God!



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