Todays Daily Bible Verse

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Friday, October 29, 2010

Why I thought I tithed but now understand that I give

I, like most I'm sure, was educated about tithing. What it is, what it's for and why we MUST do it.

I've never really written on the subject and thought, since I want to think about this, meditate upon it, invite the Spirit to teach me, I would write. Come now Spirit, teach my willing heart.

The only basis for tithing I've ever found is in the old testament. However, the references for giving are everywhere. And of the 10% so often quoted? Well that's old testament too and as it turns out, that's not even referring to giving to your church. Consider this video and article.

Is tithing biblical? - DA Carson

SO, with that in mind, I want to consider whether or not I should be giving to my local church, saving the money to give to someone in need or just following the Spirits leading...I think part of the problem is the number of 10% is so easy to cleave ourselves against. Satan is able to easily and mathematically quantify how we don't measure up...may each of us be able to shed this desire to please God in righteousness, but fully accept our fallen nature and allow God the imputation of our righteousness that he might work his ways through us.

And this is my prayer, that God would lead me how and when and to the measure he desires me to give. For he has need of nothing. He owns the cattle on 1000 hills, and he also owns the hills. May God lead me to those in need. I hope for myself and for you that 10% is a number I never have to think about again.

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