Todays Daily Bible Verse

Daily Bible Verse provided by

Monday, June 28, 2010

Afraid, Scared, Lost, Hurt, but wait there's hope!

If I came up to your face while you were in the midst of your anxiety fit about losing a job, or some other traumatic experience and told you that "You know, you're demonstrating that you don't believe in God"... you might get pretty angry with me. You might even have the right.

But let's break this down a little. Let's take aside and point out a few common facts about God that we can all recite without any consideration as to their impact on our life.

God is God
God knows everything
God controls everything (some might say allow, permit...but those are active verbs. The permission given demonstrates overall control and or influence).
God is everywhere
God made you
God made me
God made everything

From this list, we can easily conclude that there is no situation that God doesn't know about, there isn't a place he hasn't seen and if he created you, he did so for a specific and perhaps multiple purposes.

For those of us who claim to believe in God, what are we demonstrating when we get fearful of something that God created? Or when we get anxious about a situation God already knows about, or when we get angry because we can't control other people that he himself has made?

What we're really saying is that we DO NOT BELIEVE IN GOD. We're saying it with our actions...for if we believed we would have no reason to doubt or be anxious. If that's not enough proof, let us go to the scripture;

Be anxious in only some things? Be anxious only in the really big stuff, like hospital visits and cancer? No! Be anxious in NO-THING!

Why does the author say this? Because your life once you reach christianhood changes and is remarkably peaceful all the time...?

Perhaps because HE KNOWS that circumstances will come that will create anxiety and he's telling you how to deal with it? And that in fact God has provisioned for you to be able to not be anxious. And he's provided an outlet....consider the remainder of the scripture....but by prayer and supplication, make your requests known to God.

I believe that if we realized that when we're anxious, etc, that we are really saying that we don't believe in God, we really don't trust God...we would have to find another way to sin...because the truth of the matter would be too obvious to continue in perpetuity.

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