Todays Daily Bible Verse

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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

False Prophets, False Messiahs, False Teaching

I want to begin with a quick note about myself that will help make clear why this observation that I'm posting may be relevant. I have this 'interesting' ability, it's not mystical or anything, but I find it useful for evaluating information, trends and thus correlating them for a non-definitive, unprovable conclusion. I can take, what will seem to most as, random, disconnected, thoughts and events and connect them to a singular consciousness. It stops being fun, when I'm right. I won't comment on how often that is...I'm not a future telling prophet, I'm not a sorcerer, I'm not into mystics, magic...I don't practice voodoo...I do my best to be obedient to YHWH, to submit to his Son Y'ehushua, and the Spirit guides me. His mark on me, is evident by my life change; with that's what I've noticed.

I've always wondered how popular teachings like the rapture could go unnoticed by the people left behind. But then a reading a scripture reveals that it will NOT go unnoticed, but that a GREAT delusion will be sent by GOD. Now I don't personally think there is any evidence that conclusively demonstrates a rapture of the saints. I don't think that early Christianity was appointed wrath, yet they died horrible gruesome deaths, appointed by God; I can say that because he told them it was going to happen. So using my own understanding of scripture, I didn't understand how, prophecies could be clearly missed by so many...certainly Ahjmadinjad(sp?) has read the Bible, or has people who have? They would know who Daniel was, certainly their empire is talked about just as much as any other in the Bible. This can't have escaped their notice. The fact that there are so many parallels with the Iraq war and America's involvement in Daniels prophecies, is uncanny. I'm not saying we're fulfilling them, just commenting on it's strange parallels.

So my conclusion was, I don't see how so many people could miss what's plain for anyone. To me that would be like saying the whole world would miss the olympics...well, even if you didn't see them, the amount of people on this planet who could possibly be interested in that, DICTATES that you will in some form or fashion come in contact with the olympics...even if UNWILLINGLY.

Let me show you what I've compiled. I'm sorry this is long, but you need to force yourself to hold your attention. Not that my information is so awesome or valid, but that is also part of the deception. We've been taught that if I can't glean what I need in 30 seconds, it's not useful, or I'll come back to it later; but you never do. Here we go;
  • With the advent of social networking, it is literally possible to push information to the farthest point reachable in under one minute.
  • This has provided a platform for those who wish to speak, (including me) to others about various topics, mine is my journal and passion for God.
  • Christianity is, in the place where the most amount of social media creation takes place [America], largely un-persecuted; especially compared to Pakistan, China, India, Iran, etc.
  • In America, there is great apostasy, for certainly 72-86% of Americans are NOT Christian.
  • There has begun a revival of sorts for end-times discussion, mostly to do with economic downturn, attacks on our homeland, increases in moral decay, 2912, Mayan calendar, etc
  • We've entered an age of entitlement and not enlightenment.
  • We've been programmed, world-wide, but definately in America, how NOT to think. How questioning certain things is unpatriotic, or un-american.
  • We've been programmed that all things are equal, lies and truth are equal in a public forum.
  • We've been programmed that opinions are just as valid as facts, emotions are just as valid as evidence
  • We've been falsely taught that you're not to judge anyone or anything, due to the above reasons
  • We've been lied to that obedience to anything is a pure flight of fancy and good for you, but not necessary even if at all possible.
  • Lastly and probably worstly, due to entitlement, we believe we all have a voice that should be heard, quite simply because we have a voice, and desire to be heard. (have you watched how people react when Simon Cowell tells them that they can't sing? Facebook anyone?)

So, enter the false prophets. I've begun to believe that part of the delusion is the prevalence of information. Specifically false information. Our way of learning and validating facts has SO fundamentally changed in the last 20 years that we're in danger of losing the truth...I'll prove this. If we were to lose all of our written resources, as many ancient cultures did during wars, our history would be lost in a single generation.

20 years ago, when I wanted to look up a fact, let's say about a bird. I had to get an encylopedia and go to the name of the bird and see if the information was there. If I was especially studious, I would cross-reference that citation with other sources, adding to it's validity. But as with all facts, the only proof could be to the naked eye, and under scrutiny of the scientific method of observation.

Not so today. Even though most enclyopedia's have been digitized, the said fact remains, with the internet, you can't be sure what you're seeing is ACTUALLY in that enclyopedia, or that for reasons unknown to you, that fact hasn't changed over time. You can still go observe, but the above programming, teaches you NOT to. For all is equal and thus trustworthy in the forum of public opinion and fact. We've been taught that the ease and access to information is not a factor in it's validity. Let me tell you it is...ease of access is a good thing, but especially related to things valuable, how much can it be worth if you were to come by it so easy?

Quoted from a movie: "We have a saying in Tenesee, if somthin' sounds too good to be true......[leaning forward] it ain't". Best line in the whole movie!.

Let me show you how easy it is to put data out there that's wrong and imagine if you will that I had an evil INTENT to do so, whether I realized it or not.

Take this phrase "Jesus is not the messiah, he's just a good dude, he was a hippie who hung out with strippers, but you should listen to what he says...believe in his name and you'll be saved, cuz he did die for you on the cross. The world will end in 2012."

Highlight it, right-click with your mouse and put it as your facebook status. Then fire up your webcam, create a short youtube video about it, then put it on your myspace, both text AND video. And while you do each of these things, make sure you have a BIBLE in your hand and leaf through the pages to make that popular and dignifying sound. Then put a priest uniform on, then refer to yourself as a priest, then act to speak for God. Then teach others that they are wrong if they don't believe as you do. Then tell the world that it's full of "false" prophets and quote scripture...make sure to type it up in your videos and quote it with sincerity...maybe even cry over something that you think will draw attention or make you seem more authentic.

You just became a false prophet and you can get all kinds of people to follow you....

This is part of the delusion. It's not that the truth is unknowable, it's that there is SO MUCH false information that literally EVERYTHING you think you know MUST BE CHECKED. You cannot take ANYTHING at it's word. You must check. And while we will all fail at this from time to time, a trend demonstrates growth, you need to decide is it toward obedience, humility and understanding, or toward, disobedience, pride and false understanding.


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